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Nanchang Trademark Registry

Update Date:2019-7-10 16:33:27     Views:1265

Nanchang Trademark Registration Service
Hotline: 86-755-82143348
/86-13823131503  Email:



Nanchang Trademark Registry will give you the exclusive right to use your brand name in Nanchang. It is also a legal way for business people to protect the trademark. ATAHK will offer you professional and whole-hearted services about Nanchang trademark registry.

Nanchang Trademark Registry – Overview of Nanchang Trademark Registry
The Chinese Trademark Office accepts trademark applications for registry on goods as well as on services. Applications for registry of certificate marks and collective marks are also accepted.


The trademark can be letters, designs or a combination of both. Shapes of goods or scent are not registrable.

The Chinese Trademark Office adopts the International Classification of Goods and Services, and multi-class application is still not applicable, one application can only for one mark in one class. The descriptions of the goods/services should be concrete.


Examination is based on absolute ground and relative ground. Before registry, there is a period of three (3) months for public opposition purpose.

Nanchang Trademark Registry – Procedures of Nanchang Trademark Registry
(1)Nanchang Trademark Design
(2) Nanchang Trademark Search
(3) Nanchang Trademark Application
(4) Acceptance of Nanchang Trademark Application
(5) Nanchang Trademark Examination
(6) Nanchang Trademark Publication
(7)Nanchang Trademark Registry


Nanchang Trademark Registry – Requirements of Nanchang Trademark Registry
China trademark registry application has to be filed before the Trademark Office by a local agent. A signed power of attorney is necessary. Foreign applicants do not need a domestic company registry. Foreign applicants can only file through an officially recognized agent. A copy of the business certificate (if the applicant is a company) or a copy of the applicant’s ID card or passport (if the applicant is an individual) is required. NOTE: 1 class covers 10 class items. For each additional class item beyond the 10th item for each class there is an extra fee.

In applying for trademark registry, the following documents should be submitted to the relevant authorities: Application for Trademark Registry, power of attorney, five copies of the reproductions of the trademark (if color is claimed, five copies of the color reproductions of the trademark), one copy of the black and white design thereof, and identification documents. The reproductions of the trademark must be clear and easy to be pasted up and should be printed on smooth and clear durable paper or substituted by photographs, the length and width of which should be less than 10 cm but more than 5 cm each.


Nanchang Trademark Registry –Different Forms of Nanchang Trademark Registry
When a foreigner or foreign enterprise applies for trademark registry, the Chinese language should be used (any document in a foreign language should be accompanied by a Chinese translation).

Nationals of the States Parties to the Paris Convention, who after filing an application for registry of a trademark in any other State Party, file another application for registry of the same trademark for the same product in China, may claim priority within six months after the first filing and submit priority documents. The date of the first application for registry of the trademark filed in another State Party to the Paris Convention shall be regarded as the application date in China.


When trademark registry is applied for a three-dimensional mark, the applicant should state the same in the application and submit reproductions enabling determination of the three-dimensional shape.

While trademark registry is applied for a color combination, the applicant should state the same in the application and submit a text description.


While applying for registry of a collective mark or certification mark, the applicant should state the same in the application and submit a certificate of qualification as subject and the rules for administration of the use of the mark.

Applications for trademark registry will undergo examination as to form and examination as to substance by the Trademark Office in accordance with the Trademark Law. When an application has passed the examination both in form and in substance, preliminary approval will be granted and the trademark will be published.


Any person may, within three months from the date of publication of the trademark, file an opposition against the trademark that has been granted preliminary approval. The Trademark Office will send the Application for Trademark Opposition to the opposed party for a response to be made within 30 days as from the receipt of notification. The Trademark Office will then make an adjudication based on the facts and grounds presented by both parties.

When no opposition has been filed against a trademark or the opposition is not justified, approval will be granted for the trademark to be registered. A certificate of registry will be issued and the trademark will be published. When the opposition is justified, registry will be refused.


If the registry of an opposed trademark has been published before the ruling on the opposition becomes effective, the original publication will be revoked and the trademark whose registry is approved in the adjudication on the opposition will be published anew.

Contact Us
For further queries, you are welcome to visit ATAHK website or email to / or contact any of the following branches, thank you.
HONGKONG TEL: 852-27837818    NANCHANG TEL: 86-791-88188098.

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