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Register Samoa Company

Update Date:2019-4-4 18:13:04     Views:863

Samoa Offshore Company Formation
Hotline: 86-755-82147392,

As more and more investors want to setup offshore companies , and there are so many places that they can choose .ATAHK we may help you to make the wise and right decision to choose a ideal place to establish company. So we recommend Samoa , it is a very good area for them to build new business.


Introduction for Samoa 

Samoa, which became independent in 1962 and it has developed into a politically stable nation.Samoa's offshore corporate legislation was originally introduced in the late 1980s and was based on Cook Islands legislation.Samoa was subsequently administered by New Zealand until it became the first South Pacific country to gain independence in 1962. Samoa was known as Western Samoa until 1997.There are 47 members of the Legislative Assembly who elect a Prime Minister who, with an eight member Cabinet and the Head of State make up the Executive Council.Samoa's legal system has its foundations in English and Commonwealth statutory law. The court system comprises the Magistrates Court, the High Court, and the Court of Appeal.


Why setup companu in Samoa ?

Allow the filing of documents and maintenance of accounts by electronic means;

User-friendly to Asian investors;

Strict confidentiality and secrecy provisions; and

Low Government fees for re-domiciliation.


Formation Requirement to set up company in Samoa :
1)Company Name English name; or Both English and Chinese name.

2)Chinese name extra fee USD 100 waived for incorporation.

3)Shareholder(s) and Director(s)

  No nationality restriction;
  Minimum one shareholder and one director;

4)Shareholder and director can be same entity.
  Corporate shareholder and director is acceptable; and
  A copy of passport and residential address proof are required for company registration.

5)Company Secretary and Registered Address

  A registered address is required in Samoa;

6)Included in our service package and annual renewal fee.
  A correspondence address is required; and

7)If join our Correspondence Address parking service, this information is no need to provide.
  Client should maintain an alternative address for operation; and
  Company must appoint a company secretary; and
  Local company secretary is not required under Samoa regulation.

8)Capital Requirement

  Minimum paid up share capital required is USD 1; and
  Standard authorized capital is USD 1 million divided into 1,000,000 shares.


Contact Us
For further queries, please do not hesitate to contact ATAHK at anytime, anywhere by simply calling China hotline at 86-755-82148419, 86-755-82143512, or emailing to

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