Malaysia Business Start-up Service
Hotline: 86-755-82143348,
Malaysia My Second Home Programme (MM2H) is an initiative promoted and supported by the Government of Malaysia to allow people from all over the world who fulfill certain criteria, to stay in Malaysia as long as possible on a social visit pass with a multiple entry visa. The MM2H visa permit is initially for a period of ten (10) years and is renewable. It is open to citizens of all countries recognized by Malaysia regardless of race, religion, gender or age.

The Basic Criteria of Malaysia My Second Home Programme (MM2H) Principal Applicant is as below:
Financial Requirement
MM2H Applicant must have a fixed deposit account in either a local Bank in Malaysia or a foreign bank that has no branch in Malaysia :-
a. MM2H Applicant aged 50 years and below, individual fixed deposit of RM300,000 (after 1 year, may withdraw RM150,000 for house purchase, medical treatment or children education)
b. MM2H Applicant aged 50 years and above, individual fixed deposit of RM150, 000 (after 1 year, may withdraw RM50, 000 for house purchase, medical treatment or children education).
c. If the MM2H applicant owned property valued above RM100,000.00, aged 50 years and above may deposit only RM100,000 and applicant aged 50 years and below RM150,000.
Medical Insurance
The MM2H applicant must purchase a medical insurance policy in Malaysia. MM2H applicants aged 60 years and above are exempted but a medical fitness certification is required.
Visa Validity and Benefits
a. Eligible to purchase 2 properties in Malaysia (full ownership or rent/lease)
b. Within 6 months, can either purchase a locally assembled car or bring in a car from the MM2H applicant’s home country without having to pay import duty, excise duty or sales tax.
c. MM2H applicant enjoy high fixed deposit interest income.
d. Fixed deposit interests are tax exempted (tenure above 1 year)
e. MM2H applicant may bring a maid to Malaysia (only female maid aged between 25-30 years)
f. MM2H applicant is no limitation period for staying in Malaysia
g. MM2H applicant can invest in business
Contact Us
Malaysia ATAHK Address:Unit 6.06, Level 6, Amoda 22, Jalan Imbi, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Malaysia ATAHK Tel:00-603-21418908
Malaysia ATAHK Website:
Malaysia ATAHK